Kudu | The Southern Review | 2019
The Making | The Sun | 2019
AdditionElectric Literature Recommended Reading Commuter | 2018
Conservation | Gettysburg Review | 2018
Bed-Making | Big Lucks | 2017
Substitutes | Granta | 2015
Toeheads | Yemassee | 2015
The Problem of Leaving | Indiana Review | 2015
A Foreign Language | Midwestern Gothic | 2015
All the Girls We Knew in the Suburbs | American Short Fiction | 2014
Other Dangers | The Masters Review | 2014
Marvel Levy, Age Ten, Channels Her Angst into an Essay on Why Giraffes Are Overrated | Drunken Boat | 2014
This Will All Be Over Soon | The Chicago Tribune | 2014
The Only Place the Blood Goes | The Missouri Review | 2014
Gene Therapy for Nice Women in Love with Lunatics | Juked | 2014
Reports from a Higher Roof | Zoetrope: All-Story | 2014
The Hygienist | Joyland | 2014
Miles Til Empty | Atticus Review | 2014
The Kissers | Passages North | 2014
So Much to Burn | Tin House Open Bar | 2013
Small Spade | Monkeybicycle | 2013
How a Perfect Husband Acts | Green Mountains Review Online | 2013
Your Baby’s Mother | River Styx | 2013
Three and a Half Paths to Happiness | Dogwood: A Journal of Poetry and Prose | 2013
Next Time They Will Wow Them with the Shiny Stuff | Treehouse |  2013